REBOUND 2021 TCW 100 Mile


Saturday, 5 June, 2021




Okay, there will be no Unbound for us mere enthousiasts from Europe. In Emporia, Kansas on June 5, only the lucky few will make it to the start line. Border restrictions make it almost impossible to join the first edition of the classic event. But for the love of cycling we will ride REBOUND instead. We are convinced that, like last year with Dirty Kanzelled, a lot of people will follow our initiative. All together, riding solo or in pairs or small groups, connected by #unboundrebound. One big community of gravel grinding cycling fans, that will set their alarms, once again, at 5.00 am to start their own micro adventures one hour later.

We can’t wait to see you (re)designing your own backyard gravel routes, meticulously prepare your bikes, rearranging all the bars and gels and enjoying the early bird sunrise moment. We hope to see it all again: the bonked faces, the painful crashes, the fantastic views, the wise lesson from last year’s sufferfest, but most of all: the happy faces. Not only after completing, but along the ride. Because you don’t really need to travel for gravel.

Share those moments with all of us using #unboundrebound


the rules

We have to emphasize: this is not an event. But we still have rules, because they will help you to get as close as possible to that feeling of accomplishment, you would normally have after an event like Unbound. You are doing something special on one specific day. Together but apart. For your safety and for the safety of everyone else, please obey the local rules concerning Covid-19. (is it Covid-21 already?)

Date: June 5, 2021

Starting time: 6.00 AM sharp

Starting point: preferably near the centre of Wageningen. In case this is not possible, travel from you own house, regrouping at Blok21.

Distance: 100 miles (160 km) (We are no pro's....)

Food stops: you are allowed to have a maximum of two food-stops, for buying or getting food and drinks. The actual intake can be anytime along your route.

Afterparty: mandatory.

Sharing is caring: use #unboundrebound on Instagram to share your story and pics/vids. Sign up and don’t miss your chance to win prizes!

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